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Hobbies and Careers

Hobbies and Careers


Hobbies and Careers is one area that supports students in the preparation for their next stage of learning.  It supports with the successful transition to adulthood and provides students with a range of experiences and practical activities from Year 7 onwards. It enables them to not only develop new skills but to practice and embed skills in a range of contexts. This supports in the next stage of life, not only with post school choices but also the young person’s participation in leisure and community engagement throughout their school life and beyond. 


Examples of taking part.


Students build up a profile, which they update each term, showing experiences/activities they have taken part in and which activities they have or haven’t enjoyed. This is then shared at the Annual Review of EHCP.



Thank you to the Parent and Friends Association for providing our careers folders 


The Hobbies and Careers curriculum offer is flexible and is planned based on:

  • pupils needs
  • pupil interests
  • pupil voice
  • opportunities that become available


The Hobbies and Careers curriculum includes opportunities both in school and the local community.


Examples of what might be offered are:

The Hobbies and Careers curriculum offer is flexible and is planned based on:

  • pupils needs
  • pupil interests
  • pupil voice
  • opportunities that become available


The Hobbies and Careers curriculum includes opportunities both in school and the local community.


Examples of what might be offered are:


A drink at a café

Watching a film with a friend

Making health snacks

Going to the cinema

Having a coffee with friends

A walk in the park

Visiting the local shops

Scrap booking/crafting

Visiting the library




Film making

Mini golf

Metal detecting




Dance Massage


Bike riding/Go Karts/ Wheelchair bike riding

Holistic therapies and relaxation

Exploring sensory rooms

Small animal care


There are strong business links within the curriculum.  Food Technology and Horticulture businesses are run within school which provide students with work related learning.  Students run small businesses related to these curriculum areas in the form of Munchies and Greenfinger.  Pupils also work in teams to put on events such as a market or gallery within Business and Enterprise.


Visiting places of work.



