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  • Thank you

    Sun 29 Mar 2020

    As you know we have a partial closure. We are providing a Childcare provision in school hours for the families of Critical Workers. Our Critical Workers do include Doctors, Nurses and Midwives. Thank to all Critical Workers for all you are doing. We have complete admiration for those delivering Medical Care and also those delivering Care. I also want to thank our staff who are in school for the work they are doing to provide that support.

    Kind regards to all

    Heather and all at The Bridge.

  • Teacher Calls

    Sun 29 Mar 2020

    Hello to all our parents and carers and pupils

    We hope that our wonderful pupils are all ok- please say Hello to them from us all and tell them we miss them. We are sending our best wishes to the families of our pupils.  We all know that keeping your child at home can present a huge challenge but that you are doing this to keep your child as safe as possible in these very tough times.  Many of you will have had or will be having a call to see how our pupils are and yourselves. For some of our pupils, following calls we have made and sent out personalised Social Stories and Visual Schedules etc. If we have missed you when we have called we will be trying again. If you have changed your number please email

    In the meantime, please know you are all in our thoughts.

  • Books Beyond Words - first draft of a book on Coronavirus

    Tue 24 Mar 2020

    Some of our secondary students use Book Beyond Words and attend a Book Club. The link takes you to their new books on Coronavirus and resources to support people through the Coronavirus pandemic  - All of which are free. 
  • Coronavirus shielding advice

    Tue 24 Mar 2020
  • Free School Meals Update (Not Universal Free School Meals) Bridge School Telford and Wrekin LA

    Tue 24 Mar 2020

    We have been advised by Telford and Wrekin that Bridge pupils residing in Telford and Wrekin who are in receipt of Free School Meals (not Universal Free School Meals) who are not in school will receive a Meal Voucher. Telford and Wrekin hope it will be delivered today or tomorrow. For families residing in other LA's we are working to find out what can be provided by their areas and will contact as soon as possible. If anyone is struggling to provide food then please do contact us.


    In the meantime, for all our families we hope that you are all ok.


    Kind regards


    Heather and all at Bridge.


  • Thank you for your supportive messages

    Sun 22 Mar 2020

    Thank you for the supportive and caring messages that you have sent to us as staff whilst you are keeping your children as safe as possible at home. We know how difficult the current situation is for you, your chid and your family. Your messages of support and concern for our staff who are still operating a service for some children, like the children are key workers, is touching. Thank you sincerely. We will be making contact over time to see how you are all doing and in the meantime know that each and everyone of you are in our hearts and have our best of wishes.

    From Heather and all at Bridge

  • School update 18/3/2020

    Wed 18 Mar 2020

    Many of our parents/carers and staff will have seen the government announcement that all schools - mainstream and special- need to remain open for pupils who have EHCP's.


    We know that there is much confusion as although the government has stated this, the NHS has clear guidance that all those with a learning disability (all Bridge pupils) are vulnerable  and they have been advised to socially distance themselves. There are also other groups that are vulnerable with particular medical needs. The NHS has given guidance that such vulnerable people should socially distance themselves and these measures should be stringently applied due to the high risk situation that we are all currently facing. The NHS guidance is on our news page and I have sent a copy out to parents/carers - not all with have received it yet if their child is not in school. Telford and Wrekin LA are going to speak to the DFE tomorrow and ask them specifically again. We will also be seeking advice from the NHS.


    All I can say for now is:

    - any parent or carer that is following the guidance of the NHS and do not want to send their child into school, due to them being on the vulnerable list,  their absence will be authorised.

    - any pupils or pupils where someone they live with have Coronavirus Symptoms (continuous cough OR high temperature) all members of household must self isolate for a minimum of 14 days. All should be ensure they understand when after the 14 days someone can stop self isolation and also what self-isolation involves e.g. no leaving the house. This also applies to our staff.

    - we have sent a significant number of children home and also staff  with either a cough or a high temperature. We do not know if this is Coronavirus as no-one is currently being tested.

    - we are planning to be open tomorrow (19/3/20) and Friday (20/3/20)  as long as staffing levels permit us too safely for those parents/carers who have decided to send their children to be in school and of course are not under any isolation restrictions. I re-iterate that parents/carers who don't want to send their children due to the NHS guidance this will be authorised. In terms of staffing levels, whilst we have an idea who is in or not each day we are clearer when we get an update on staff health each morning given it is an ever changing picture.

    - We are seeking further clarification from the DFE and the NHS and the position of our pupils..


    In the meantime, I would like to pass on a message to our families that are currently self-isolating and not leaving the house. If you struggle with accessing provisions, medication etc you can call Family Connect 01952 385385 or you can email us on It we are closed at any point it may be 2-3 days before we access a message but we will try and support any families if they are struggling with supplies when self-isolating.


    Your children are wonderful  and we care very much about them, you and your families too. Please continue to take care of yourselves and your children in what we know are confusing and difficult time.


    Kind regards to all


    Heather and all of us at the Bridge School.





  • 17th March Coronavirus Updated information for parents and carers

    Tue 17 Mar 2020

    To all our parents and carers


    The three maintained special schools - Southall, Haughton and the Bridge have sought clarification from the DFE Coronavirus Help Line about vulnerable people. 


    The DFE Help Line Adviser said:


    • The Government/DFE advice is that schools remain open at this point. 
    • If any members of our pupils household have a continuous cough OR a high temperature, the whole family must self-isolate. To be clear when anyone in the house has symptoms ALL of the household must follow the isolation guidelines- this includes staying in the house, getting others to deliver food if necessary and not having any contact. This should be sustained even when symptoms have ceased.  The isolation period would only cease after 14 days when symptoms have then passed for all members of the household. 


    We asked about people who were vulnerable. This includes all those who have a learning disability. The adviser stated that whilst the DFE advice is for children to attend school that the NHS advice is they suggest that vulnerable people avoid social contact. The DFE advisor says that that if parents feel their children are vulnerable and want to follow the NHS suggestion that they can choose not to send their child to school. If any parent believes this is the safest option, we will authorise the absence. The definition of vulnerable is



    The three schools have sent a significant number of pupils home with Coronavirus symptoms of high temperatures or a continuous cough to be isolated with all the members of their household for a minimum of 14 days. Other pupils have been isolated due to family members having symptoms. No pupils to our knowledge have been tested in line with the government policy. We also have staff who have stayed at home with symptoms and or have family members that have symptoms and are now isolated. 


    We appreciate this is a difficult decision but wanted to share the information we have been given by the DFE Help Line. 


    Please also see the letter we sent out dated 17/3/20 and the information on from the NHS.

  • 17th March Vulnerable People and Coronavirus

    Tue 17 Mar 2020

    The NHS have published this information on vulnerable people. School will authorise absence if parents/carers decide they want their children to avoid social contact.


    This guidance is for everyone. It advises on social distancing measures we should all be taking to reduce social interaction between people in order to reduce the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19). It is intended for use in situations where people are living in their own homes, with or without additional support from friends, family and carers. If you live in a residential care setting guidance is available.


    We are advising those who are at increased risk of severe illness from coronavirus (COVID-19) to be particularly stringent in following social distancing measures.


    This group includes those who are:


    Note: there are some clinical conditions which put people at even higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19. If you are in this category, next week the NHS in England will directly contact you with advice the more stringent measures you should take in order to keep yourself and others safe.


    For now, you should rigorously follow the social distancing advice in full, outlined below.

    • people falling into this group are those who may be at particular risk due to complex health problems such as:

    • people who have received an organ transplant and remain on ongoing immunosuppression medication

    • people with cancer who are undergoing active chemotherapy or radiotherapy

    • people with cancers of the blood or bone marrow such as leukaemia who are at any stage of treatment

    • people with severe chest conditions such as cystic fibrosis or severe asthma (requiring hospital admissions or courses of steroid tablets)

    • people with severe diseases of body systems, such as severe kidney disease (dialysis)

    What is social distancing?
    Social distancing measures are steps you can take to reduce the social interaction between people. This will help reduce the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).
    They are:

    1. Avoid contact with someone who is displaying symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19). These symptoms include high temperature and/or new and continuous cough

    2. Avoid non-essential use of public transport, varying your travel times to avoid rush hour, when possible

    3. Work from home, where possible. Your employer should support you to do this. Please refer to employer guidance for more information

    4. Avoid large gatherings, and gatherings in smaller public spaces such as pubs, cinemas, restaurants, theatres, bars, clubs

    5. Avoid gatherings with friends and family. Keep in touch using remote technology such as phone, internet, and social media

    6. Use telephone or online services to contact your GP or other essential services


    Everyone should be trying to follow these measures as much as is pragmatic.
    We strongly advise you to follow the above measures as much as you can and to significantly limit your face-to-face interaction with friends and family if possible, particularly if you:

    • are over 70

    • have an underlying health condition

    • are pregnant

    This advice is likely to be in place for some weeks.


  • 16th March Coronavirus New Government Advice

    Mon 16 Mar 2020

    Government stating all adults and children that have a continuous cough or high temperature are required to self isolate for 14 days and also those that they live with if one of them has the symptoms. Please see the government information on self isolation and what that involves. Please can we ask all our families, staff and visitors to adhere to this advice for the safety of all.


    Schools are required currently by the government to remain open. Many of our pupils have underlying medical issues. Please see the government announcement on measures to protect the elderly and those with underlying health issues. 



