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Additional Support Services

Professionals Working in Our School


Classroom staff are employed directly by the school. This includes teachers, teaching assistants and lunchtime supervisors. Admin staff are also school employees.


Other professionals work for a range of agencies – some are based within the school, others have office bases elsewhere and work in school on particular days or as necessary.


School Nurses, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, CAMHS LD team (BeeU) and Physiotherapists are employees of Shropshire Community Health Trust.


The Sensory Inclusion Service staff – advisory teachers -  are employed by the Local Authority, not the school, and are within the Children Specialist Services team.


Transport to school is organised by the Local Authority not the school. Transport staff are employed by the transport companies.


The Disabled Children’s team have social workers who are Local Authority Employees and are based within the Children Specialist Services.


All contacts numbers for these services are within the parent handbook. If you have a query relating to these areas it is best to contact the professionals directly. This will ensure that your message/queries/concerns are dealt with in the most efficient way.
