Relationships are an important part of personal and social development and there are many ways in which you can support your child in developing skills related to relationships at home. Below you will find some example activities. Please liaise with your child's class teacher to determine which activities are suitable.
Suggested activities:
Talk about/share photographs of family members, including those who may not live within the family home.
Encourage your child to participate in family activities.
Play and promote turn taking throughout activities. This can be done with adults and children.
Listen to songs/watch videos/stories about family members online, e. g. 'My family love and care, give and share'.
Identify people who help us in the local community and their roles (Police/ doctor etc) Sensory story – Emergency, (See resources section)
learn how to sign ‘Help’ to encourage communication between your child and others who can help them.
make friends- use puppets (sock, cup or wooden spoon) to role play greeting people appropriately, saying hello, high five, shake hands etc. You could make the puppets link to familiar stories, for example Room on the Broom, and role play different greetings in the story.