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EHC Plans

All pupils/students attending The Bridge School will be under assessment, have a statement of special educational needs or, from September 2014, an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). 


Education Health Care Plans are the new plans that replace statements of SEN. As with statements there will be a timed process to write these plans and parent/carer views are central to this process.

Across the next two to three years we are working closely with all our families and the Local Authority to transfer all pupils' statement of SEN to an Education Health Care Plan. Please see the links to local and national information on these Plans below.


Here at The Bridge there will always be a meeting and close liaison with you as a family before making a request to transfer to an Education Health Care Plan. This will usually be through the annual review process. Our first Plans will be written for our new children entering into reception and our older children who may be moving to college or staying with us. This has been agreed as a priority with Telford and Wrekin Local Authority.


Click a link below to be taken to the relevant page:


Further information on EHC Plans for parents is available below in terms of the assessment process and the final Plans. Please contact Nicola Davis, Deputy Head, on the school phone number if you would like to ask any other questions about the process.

