Our parents and carers know that teachers have been making regular calls to families. They are there to listen, give advice, send resources e.g. Social Stories, Visual Schedules etc or provide work activities or ideas. We know all our families needs are different and that it is about support not pressure.
Some parents have asked if the teacher can video call to speak to their child. We know this does not suit everyone as some children could find it confusing or it could be emotional. We have though (technology permitting!) set up a safe and secure option to do this. If you think this is helpful, then please talk to the teacher when they call.
In the meantime, we continue to have pupils of key workers who need their child to be in to be able to work and pupils who need safe-guarding/crisis support. We will continue to do all we can to support all the other families who have their children at home.
Sending all of our wonderful pupils and families our very best of wishes. Please continue to do all you can to stay safe.
From all at Bridge School