A letter is in the post to all our parents and carers updating on how the school is planning things in relation to government guidance to gradually increase places (not linked to year groups)- this is always in the context of health and safety risk assessments. If anyone wants to discuss anything further in relation to information in the letter then please speak to teacher in the regular calls or email school. We will continue to do all we can to provide as much support as we can as we genuinely care about all of our pupils and families. This current national situation is certainly a complex and challenging one.
Staff have also made a card for each of our pupils and this is in also in the post.
We do have pupils who are leaving to go to other settings at the end of this academic year. We know that currently there are restrictions in relation to what would usually be in place to support transition. There are many things we can and will do to support our pupils and families through this and we will be aiming to send information to parents this week which we hope will be support those who do have children who are leaving our school.
We really do hope that all our wonderful pupils and families are doing as well as can be in these complex times.
Kindest and sincere best wishes and regards to all
The Bridge School and Nursery