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  • Hope all our pupils and their families are ok and that the summer is going well. Quick update.

    Mon 27 Jul 2020

    Just wanted to let you know that there is a lot of work carrying on to get things ready for pupils return in September. We are still waiting in some guidance before we can finalise risk assessment and processes. 


    THANK YOU to the parents/carers who have been able to commit to bringing their children  in the new term to and from school during this current situation. This does remain the safest option although we know and understand that for some it is not an option.  As we understand it, T and W  LA will be sending out claims forms for mileage.  For those that will have pupils on transport the LA will be working to make this as safe as possible in terms of minimising transmission in the event there was any positive cases. 


    Some parents/carers have said they will be able to transport as long as times can be flexible around other children's school times e.g. to drop off later and pick up earlier. Again, everyone is appreciative of this- THANK YOU. We are going to call this group of parents/carers to see if they know the times etc. We will try and contact  this group of parents/carers this week. 


    In the meantime, one of our biggest challenges at the Bridge will be the arrival of the pupils and the departure due to the need to try to ensure that pupils are supervised by staff in their 'bubble' and also that we do maintain social distancing of pupils across bubbles. There is likely to be staggered times of  one group coming in between 9.00-9.10 and then another group 9.15-9.30. The end of the day is likely to be 2.30 leaving for one group and then 3.00 another group.  This is provisional information as there is still much to be worked out including in relation to dedicated school transport.  We will update on the times for each classes once all arrangements have been confirmed.  We will also have some agreed flex times for some parents/carers. We will also be issuing more detailed guidance before pupils return in September. 


    We know that our parents and carers understand that the car park management is complex under usual circumstances and parents and carers are highly supportive at pick up and drop off. We will be asking everyone to work with us particularly on those first few days when we implement different systems. It will be well-planned but we will need to review day by day and work together. We will be asking all parents and carers while things settle to understand that things may take longer than normal. We know that in the usual spirit of working together things,  all will understand that what will be in place will be  about safety and understand that things will settle quickly as all become confident in the new system.  


    Pupils who had shielding letters for Extremely Clinically Vulnerable.  The government is stating that it expects all pupils to come to school in September.  It is expecting most pupils who have been shielding due to Extremely Clinically Vulnerable classification to return to school. The guidance does state that there will be a very small number of pupils in this group who may be advised by medical staff to not attend school.. Please can parents/carers of pupils who have been classes as being Extremely Clinical Vulnerable to seek advice from medical staff. In the letter that was sent to all parents/carers it informed that we would assume that parents/carers of this group will have checked this. Any parents/carers that need any information to inform this process then please email 


    As we are sure you can imagine, much other work is being undertaken to ensure that school has things in place to reduce transmission risks. 

    We will be writing to parents/carers as soon as possible and will be updating on the website once further government guidance has been received. 


    In the meantime, we send all our pupils and families our very best of wishes.

    We are thinking of you all.  


    The Bridge School

  • Thank you our amazing pupils, parents and carers

    Fri 17 Jul 2020

    What an emotional week! 


    We have said Goodbye and Good Luck to our Year 11 Leavers and to their parents/carers.  We had Teams Presentations.


    We have said Goodbye and Good Luck to our pupils who are moving to new schools and  to their parent/carers. We had Teams Presentations. 


    Teachers have been making final calls to parents/carers and for many they have been in touch with so much and many have said how much they will miss those calls. 


    Teachers and support staff have been very busy being post deliverers this week and have come back having seen a lot of the children. Some lovely special hello moments again. 


    Today we waved off the pupils who have been in school- many who have been in school including during the holiday periods. A few it was also their final day after 12 years of being a pupils at the Bridge. 


    We have had some truly wonderful messages. Think we have spent much of the week in tears!


    We want to thank to our of AMAZING PUPILS. We hope they have a safe and happy summer period.


    We want to say thank you to our AMAZING parent and carers. Thank you for all the positive things you do to support your children and us. 


    For all our parents and carers, remember if you find anything difficult during the summer and you have a DCT Case Worker or Social Worker, then please contact them. If you do NOT have  a DCT Case Worker or Social Worker, Family Connect is there for support, guidance and help and the number is  01952 385385. Parents whose  children have therapists will have numbers for their helplines. 


    We have been and are continuing to work hard to prepare for pupil return in September. We will be in touch when we can confirm more. In the meantime, from us to you- please take care and THANK YOU 


    From all of us at the Bridge. 






  • Government Announcement: £37 million to support children with complex needs

    Tue 07 Jul 2020

    The government have announced that there will be a multi-million-pound settlement that will help low-income families with seriously ill or disabled children with the cost of equipment, goods or services. Children with special educational needs and disabilities in England will benefit from £37.3 million of direct support in 2020-21, which is expected to help more than 75,000 families in England.

    Families with children that have complex needs and disabilities will receive grants for vital equipment to make their lives easier while implementing social distancing measures, including computers, specialist equipment and educational toys. £10 million of the total has been committed specifically in response to the unique difficulties presented by the Coronavirus pandemic, helping parents educate and look after disabled or critically ill children who are staying at home more than usual.

    The multi-million-pound settlement for Family Fund will help low-income families with seriously ill or disabled children with the cost of equipment, goods or services - from washing machines and refrigerators to sensory and educational equipment that they might not otherwise be able to afford. The grants are typically worth £400 to £500 per family, but vary depending on need, and aim to improve their quality of life by paying for a wide range of items that can ease the daily pressure. Families in England can find out more and apply for grants from Family Fund directly.


  • New Guidance for schools for September issued by the DFE

    Fri 03 Jul 2020

    To all our families


    New guidance was released by the government yesterday in relation to pupils returning to school in September. All schools now have to work to fully understand the guidance and the implications how schools will operate. One of the principles is keeping pupils in consistent 'bubbles' and 'bubbles' not mixing in school. Schools have to consider size of bubbles. There are many things to think about to avoid bubbles mixing including: dining, playtime, use of outside space, movement around school, use or non-use of specialist rooms (due to the high cleaning need across bubbles), resources and how they are allocated, transport and much more. Movement and cover staff for staff absence in the context of the work within a special school is also another area to plan for. 


    All I can say, for now, is that we are already working on all of above to produce a risk assessment that will be completed following the guidance of Health and Safety, Public Health and also Governors. We hope to do this as quickly as possible so we can and then be able to share more details with you. There will then be the need to have some individual parents/carers who feel their child may need specific support/arrangements to return to school and some medical advice. 


    We hope to get as much information to you before the end of term and then if we have any things we have not been able to finalise do an update before pupils come back in September and of course all we do has to be responsive to any new guidance and advise.


    In the meantime,  all of us know the impact that this period has had on all our community.  As you know, we have kept in regular touch with all our families. We will continue to support the our pupils and families in the best way we can now and when more pupils return. We know every pupil's reaction will be different and will have different needs. For example, some will need as much of the familiar structure that we can provide and some will need relaxed demands that are gradually re-introduced. Nationally, there has been much written about the need for a Recovery Curriculum. I want to reassure you that The Bridge has always aimed to meet the needs of every child and our commitment remains to support every child the best we can in the context and processes that we will all have to work within in. 


    In the meantime, thank you all for the positive messages and support that we have had throughout this time. Please do say hello to all our truly wonderful pupils. Please also all continue to take care and we will be in touch as soon as we can about plans and processes for September.  From talking to parents/carers, we know there is a mixture of emotions from relief and anxiety about the return to school. We understand this and never has it been more important for us to all work together.


    Kindest of regards 


    Heather and The Bridge







